As much as I wouldn't like to

‘As much as I wouldn’t like to’ was born from a childhood memory of my parents covering my eyes during explicit scenes in movies. This started a period of research into the normalisation, and sexualisation of violence against women in media and pop culture where the dominant, aggressive male is romanticised, and male sexual desire is prioritised 😠😠😠
This project consists of paintings, drawings, and soft sculptures that focus on unwanted interactions that come from a place of unjust entitlement and desire. Interactions that embody starkly opposing emotions. The work is deceptively playful, and the figures are direct depictions of moments of unwelcome touch. These moments lure the viewer, using colours and textures that seduce and tempt whilst simultaneously contradicting their appearance with the narrative they create.

As much as I wouldn't like to

‘As much as I wouldn’t like to’ was born from a childhood memory of my parents covering my eyes during explicit scenes in movies. This started a period of research into the normalisation, and sexualisation of violence against women in media and pop culture where the dominant, aggressive male is romanticised, and male sexual desire is prioritised 😠😠😠
This project consists of paintings, drawings, and soft sculptures that focus on unwanted interactions that come from a place of unjust entitlement and desire. Interactions that embody starkly opposing emotions. The work is deceptively playful, and the figures are direct depictions of moments of unwelcome touch. These moments lure the viewer, using colours and textures that seduce and tempt whilst simultaneously contradicting their appearance with the narrative they create.
